Language Learning (Dev)Log Week #6

This week, I finished the B1 course on Busuu and have gotten like halfway through the B2 course. The B2 course seems a lot lower quality than the B1 course and is unfinished, but I will probably finish it anyway. I tried watching Japanese subbed anime on Animelon after finishing the B1 course. The word-by-word translation on Animelon was kind of terrible, so I ended up understanding nothing, getting bored, and quitting. It would probably be better if I put it into LingQ somehow, but I'll have to figure out how to do that.
For Tutor Engine, my language learning app, I didn't put as many hours I wanted since I was busy and didn't wake up early enough at least 3 days of this week, but I made good progress onto implementing skill-annotated media with a slightly different and much simpler (it seems) approach than I've done before.
I did not receive the Summer of Impact Award.
For bicycling, notably, I did a 10 mile and a 20 mile ride. The 20 mile ride was particularly exciting because I found a way to reach the Schuylkill River Trail with barely any highway, so I don't die. By reaching the Schuylkill River Trail, I can pretty much reach anywhere in Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, whereas previously I felt sort of trapped in my country zone. I could've done it without OpenStreetMap, but it inspired me. I may write about OpenStreetMap later. Thank you Hayden for inspiring me to try OpenStreetMap.
Hickey, C. L. (2024, June 1).