Language Learning (Dev)Log Week #5

On average, I did an hour of study each day on Busuu. However, I did not study for the full hour 2 days. I only have 2 chapters left for the B1 course on Busuu. I did another trial tutoring session from someone on iTalki. This time, I didn't feel as confident as the only previous trial tutoring session from someone else. I think it may that they were talking faster or overestimated my Japanese vocabulary. I also felt extra bad at Japanese that day for some reason. I was forgetting things like how to say "you're welcome" (and cultural equivalents) and "music".
My trial for Busuu has expired, so I will probably buy a month's subscription so I can do the B1 and B2 certificate tests for fun. I was about to unsubscribe from LingQ, but they offered 50% off for 3 months and I took it. It does make me kind of mad that apparently half of my subscription is "extra" then, but I feel like it's a resource I shouldn't abandon just yet. In less than 3 months, my language learning app will be usable, so I can unsubscribe then.
For the language learning app, this Sunday, I actually finished the Summer of Impact Award application. I feel like I made insignificant progress this week. So, next week, I will up the hours of language learning app development to 2 per day.
Hickey, C. L. (2024, May 25).