Language Learning Log Week #2
The last day of university classes was this Wednesday. While I probably should be studying for my finals (gen chem 2 next Tuesday, linear algebra next Thursday, discrete math next Friday, and honors physics 2/electromagnetism next next Monday), I have been instead relaxing. Therefore, despite the purpose of these posts, my language learning activity remains low.

I feel I found it difficult to motivate myself to use LingQ this week because what I wanted to watch, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X6yIlmJv-k, was too difficult and boring. So, even though I wouldn't have a pop-up dictionary, I'm considering going back to reading "Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活", the first light novel of Re:Zero. I think it would be more engaging and I could enter it into and annotate it with the prototype of Tutor Engine while I do it. When I was reading it earlier in April, I found it really engaging, but I stopped because I was struggling to handle the constant bombardments of homework.
Now that I've decided I'm not going to have plugins for Tutor Engine to start (and because I've figured out a method to make plugins work on websites), I'm considering just making Tutor Engine a website instead of using Flutter. I also realized that the underlying principle of cross-device syncing is to have a server that handles every interaction internally. Having offline use and then attempting to reconcile changes with the server requires a server that can handle every interaction internally. Therefore, start out with just a server that handles every interaction internally. Therefore, an offline app is not required. Therefore, an online app is required. Therefore, Flutter would have to make a bunch of server requests. However, Flutter's async UI modules are annoying to use. Therefore, it would be much easier to use something centered around async UI modules. Web browsers are centered around async UI modules. Therefore, web browsers would be less annoying to use. A website that allows use of the app is also required. Flutter can create websites, but websites generated from Flutter are not good. Therefore, creating a website from scratch will result in a better website than using Flutter as well. However, potential investors seem to love Flutter and not like home-grown solutions (understandably). Therefore, I should consider whether this actually makes sense.
Also, I decided I'll just do these on Saturdays instead of Sunday because Sunday is study day.
Hickey, C. L. (2024, May 4).