Language Learning (Dev)Log Week #13


This week, I studied Japanese on Duolingo each day and got the Genki 2 Textbook and workbook from my university library for my University Japanese Class in the fall.


Flashcards in my language learning app now work. The app is now usable.


Title: 題名:Language Learning (Dev)Log Week #1313週目の語学学習とプログラミングのログ
Authors: 作家・Clayton Lopez Hickey
Published: 著した日付:Sat, 20 Jul 2024 17:08:30 EDT

MLA Citation:MLA引用:
Hickey, C. L. (2024, July 20). Language Learning (Dev)Log Week #1313週目の語学学習とプログラミングのログ. Clayton Hickey.

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